How do I get template fields to display in a given order?
The default is to define your template schema as an unordered object, using curly brackets {
In the situation above, fields are not ordered. If you want fields to have an order, use an array instead of an object:
In this case, the fields are ordered as an array: [ field1, field2, ..]
You can also implement arrays of arrays, if you prefer this style:
See the Template Author's Guide for more info on how to write templates.
How does CO2.Storage deal with large files?
As of v1.2.28, primitives of the documents
and images
types (see Template Author's Guide) are uploaded as file streams. Slices of these steams are uploaded to IPFS and assembled as IPLD DAGs.
For working with large files using the UI, we recommend using the Chrome, Opera or Edge browsers. These browsers support window.showSaveFilePicker()
which allows file streams.
Authentication Error
Make sure your PK starts with 0x
as described here.
This project should be considered an alpha release. The Filecoin Green team is actively working on this project and welcomes contributions from the community. Should any problems arise, please reach out by emailing green@filecoin.org.
Last updated