Credible Claims Requirements

In order for a Storage Provider to make a renewable energy procurement claim that is considered credible, they must follow the requirements listed in the RE100 paper Making Credible Renewable Usage Claims. The requirements are as follows:

  1. Credible Generation Data: Any generation data, whether static (e.g. fuel type, location, date of first operation, etc.), or dynamic (quantity of generation), must be verified by a third-party auditor.

    1. Ideally, dynamic data (quantity of generation) should be metered using a revenue-grade meter, and independently used as the basis for determining the quantity of attributes and certificate issuance.

  2. Attribute aggregation: Industry best practices, such as the RE100 certification, require that Storage Providers must maintain ownership of all environmental and social attributes associated with the generation that can be owned, and that none of these attributes have been sold off, transferred, or claimed elsewhere. For example, certificates tracked on the Zero Labs platform must be transferred to the SP and retired so that they cannot be further traded. \

  3. Exclusive Ownership and Exclusive Claims: Ownership and Claims must be substantiated by attributes that have been reliably tracked from a generator to a consumer (i.e. no double counting of attributes), and the tracking system must ensure there are no other claims being made on either the attributes (including emissions) or electricity as renewable.

  4. Geographic Market Limitations: Renewable energy attributes (and certificates) must be sourced and purchased from within the same geographic region that constitutes a β€œmarket” for the purpose of transacting and claiming attributes.

    1. As stated in the RE100 documentation, _β€œideally this β€˜market boundary’ would be clearly defined, but in general it refers to an area in which the laws and regulatory framework governing the electricity sector are sufficiently consistent between the areas of production and consumption.”

    2. If the β€˜market boundary’ cannot easily be discerned, the Filecoin Green team recommends defining the market boundary based on the type of emissions factor employed in the Storage Providers GHG Accounting exercise.

  5. Vintage Limitations: the vintage of the attributes (and certificates) – when the generation occurred – must be within the reporting period of the electricity consumption to which it is applied. Any generation that occurs outside of the reporting period is not considered a credible claim.

For any procurement method that does not fit into the categories listed above or match the credible claims requirements, Storage Providers should get in contact with the Filecoin Green team and we will review the procurement method.

Last updated